Know Your Rights
  • Know Your Rights 

The attorneys at Fuerza Immigration Lawyers, LLP, have prepared the following information to provide guidance should you have contact with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This information is general and is not intended to be legal advice for any particular individual. If you have specific questions about your case, make an appointment with your attorney to discuss your concerns.

Conozca Sus Derechos

Los abogados de Fuerza Immigration Lawyers, LLP, han preparado la siguiente información para proporcionar orientación en caso de tener contacto con el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE). Esta información es general y no pretende ser un consejo legal para ningún individuo en particular. Si usted tiene preguntas específicas sobre su caso, haga una cita con su abogado para discutir sus preocupaciones.

Conheça Seus Direitos

Os advogados da Fuerza Immigration Lawyers, LLP, prepararam as seguintes informações para fornecer orientação caso você tenha contato com o Departamento de Imigração e Alfândega (ICE). Esta informação é geral e não se destina a ser aconselhamento jurídico para qualquer indivíduo em particular. Se você tiver perguntas específicas sobre o seu caso, marque uma consulta com seu advogado para discutir suas preocupações


  • 2022 AILA Member
  • State Bar of California
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Know Your Rights

At Fuerza Immigration Lawyers, we have the skills and experience you deserve. Get to know our team by scrolling down and select the staff you would like to learn more about.

We Honor Every Client's Immigration Journey

  • I highly recommend her and her team! Thanks Fuerza.

    Dra. Érica Gonçalves is amazing! She did a great job on my application and helped me win my case!

    Kellen A.

  • I’ve been a client for the better part of 10 years now.

    Whatever your immigration situation is, the staff attorneys have likely already dealt with it, and if not, they have the expertise to deal with it. Suerte!

    Jovanny G.

Guided By Our 6 Core Values

  • Construimos Fuertes Lazos de Confianza con Nuestros Clientes
  • Aspiramos a Encontrar Soluciones para Nuestros Clientes
  • Tenemos el Máximo Respeto para Nuestra Clientela y Nuestro Personal
  • Aspiramos a la Excelencia en Todo lo Que Hacemos
  • Nos Esforzamos Por Nuestros Clientes
  • Estamos Comprometidos con Nuestros Clientes Para Lograr sus Metas Migratorias

Committed to Your Immigration Case

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